Thursday, February 15, 2007

Somatic Health & Wellness in Action

Greetings ...

"Somatic Health & Wellness" is the focus of my work with my clients - the notion being, when we are aware of our internal experience, we can respond appropriately to whatever is happening around us. I find this most useful in stressful situations: when I'm most able to notice what's happening inside me in the moment, I'm best able to respond to the situation or person I'm dealing with in the most efficient or productive way.

I was practicing this yesterday when I was on the phone with my telephone service provider. Over the last few days, I've had intermittent and unusual issues with my phone line, and I've called Customer Service repeatedly to find a resolution to my problems. Yesterday, after being transferred for the third time (each time having to re-explain my issues), I began to really pay attention to my internal experience. I noticed the surge of energy building in my abdomen; I noticed my throat simultaneously heating up and closing up; I noticed the dryness in my mouth. But in addition to these sensations in my physical body, I also became aware of my emotional and energetic/spiritual experience. I noticed myself becoming, not simply "angry", but it was as if a rage were building inside me, preparing for explosion. As I explored that feeling, I realized it wasn't so much that I was angry -- in truth, I was feeling unheard and unseen. I was feeling powerless and dismissed. I was feeling unimportant and insignificant.

It occurred to me that I could easily let the rage explode and just start yelling at this Customer Service woman ... or I could "implode" and meekly skulk away from the interaction. But I realized that both impulses were simply an attempt by my Somatic Self to feel heard and to regain my sense of personal power and control.

Ironically, it was simply realizing that I felt powerless that actually helped me regain my sense of personal power. The Customer Service people were not responsible for my feelings -- they didn't reach through the phone and take my personal power. My locus of control was always within me, and as I acknowledged my feelings and reconnected with my internal experience of personal power, I realized that how I reacted (or better, responded) to my feelings of helplessness and powerlessness were really my choice. Sure, I could yell and slam the phone down and maybe I'd feel better for a moment. But I also was unlikely to get my problem resolved any faster, and I'd probably actually end up feeling much worse.

So instead of yelling or apologizing at the Customer Service person, I took several deep breaths and said to her that, while I understood she was just trying to fix my problem as fast as possible, I also felt she wasn't actually hearing what I was saying. Somehow it seemed that connecting with her as a person (rather than just as a faceless representative of a monolithic company) helped me feel empowered to explain my experience. In the end, she admitted that she didn't know what the answer was, and would have to research it further. Oddly, as I hung up, even though I knew my problem would remain for the time being, I felt this communication had in fact been efficient and productive. Somehow I felt that even if she hadn't changed her position, my choice to respond appropriately to my internal experience made the difference in how I experienced my interaction with her.

So I'll invite you: the next time you find yourself frustated with Customer Service, ask your Self, have I given up my personal power? Am I feeling victimized? Have I somehow allowed myself to believe that this person (or this company, or this situation) has "taken control over me"? You may be surprised at what you notice ... And if you do find you've abdicated your personal power and control, ask your Self how you can reclaim it!

I welcome hearing your questions, comments, and experiences.

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